Lewitt LCT 640 TS | Dual Output Mode Condneser Microphone

839,00 € MPC: 932,97 € (-10%)
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Lewitt LCT 640 TS je profesionalni studijski mikrofon z več vzorci, ki ni na voljo le v paketu, ki vključuje ohišje, nastavek za pajek, vetrobransko steklo, magnetni pop filter in kabel, ampak dodaja tudi blazinico, nizkorezni filter in funkcijo več vzorcev. in način dvojnega izhoda. Slednji omogoča ločeno snemanje sprednjih in zadnjih signalov ter njihovo naknadno obdelavo s priloženim vtičnikom za polarizator. Če smo natančnejši, lahko celo spremenite smerne karakteristike po snemanju. LCT 640 TS olajša sprejemanje prave odločitve pred sejo. Preprosto uporabite način dvojnega izhoda, da ločeno posnamete signale, ki zadenejo obe strani, ter jih nato urejate in eksperimentirate z njimi. Polarizer Plug-In je bil zasnovan tako, da je mogoče v hipu preklopiti med vsemi skupnimi značilnostmi in tako narediti hitre primerjave. Seveda to deluje tudi neposredno pred snemanjem. Uporabite gumbe na mikrofonu in izbirajte med vsesmernim, kardioidnim, širokim kardioidnim, osmičnim ali superkardioidnim - ne glede na to, ali ste obrnjeni naprej ali nazaj. Za glasnejše signale je na voljo tudi Pad Switch s 3-kratnimi koraki (-6dB, -12dB, -18dB), tako da je preprečeno prekoračenje. Poleg tega je na voljo praktičen Low-Cut Filter, ki na primer odstrani udarni zvok. Tu lahko izbirate med 40Hz, 80Hz in 160Hz.

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Change the polar-pattern - even after the recording

Designed and engineered in Austria, LEWITT’s Lewitt LCT 640 TS will revolutionize the way we think about the recording process. Set to Dual Output Mode the signal of the mics front and back diaphragm is provided by independent circuitries, any kind of polar pattern can be realized dynamically - even after the recording. Already recorded material can be changed dynamically by adjusting the polar pattern - room sound can be added or decreased, even a turn by 180° is possible. After recording with the LCT 640 TS you can use LEWITT’s Polarizer plug-in to tweak the material with incredible ease of use. In Multi-Pattern Mode the LCT 640 TS has all the well-known characteristics of a great sounding studio multi-pattern condenser mic. It features five polar patterns: omni, wide cardioid, cardioid, supercardioid and figure-8. Perfect Match technology takes care that all LCT 640 TS will always form a matched pair. The Dual Output Mode allows to record Mid Side stereo with only one LCT 640 TS - usually only possible with two microphones. Clipping History, 4 low-cut and pre-attenuation settings round off the outstanding feature list of the LCT 640 TS. The LCT 640 TS opens doors to a new world of recording techniques.

Revolutionary Dual Output Mode

The LCT 640 TS provides the signal of the front and the back capsule separately. In addition to your standard XLR cable plug in the included mini 3-pin XLR and experience all the possibilities of this true next-gen microphone. Use both outputs to capture the whole session instead of committing to a single source.

Standard Multi-Pattern Mode

Plug in one 3-pin XLR and you have a large diaphragm multi-pattern condenser mic featuring the following polar patterns: omni, wide cardioid, cardioid, supercardioid and figure-8.

Magnetic Pop Filter

Hides nothing, captures everything - except plosives and hisses. This efficient magnetic pop filter will effectively reduce pops and hisses without covering 2/3 of your vocal artists face. The most subtle and convenient way of getting the most out of every single recording.

MS Stereo with one mic

Usually, mid side stereophony can only be done with two microphones. But now, it is way easier to use one LCT 640 TS. Just point the side of the microphone to the signal source and record both outputs on a stereo track in your DAW. Change the panorama for both signals to adjust the stereo width.

Perfect Match technology

Any two LCT 640 TS will always form a matched pair. Add another one and you will get a "matched triplet", and so on. Every single LCT 640 TS undergoes a series of measurements followed by adjustment of the polarization voltage to achieve exactly the same sensitivity in every microphone.

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